Who we are

The Berlin Baqueira Business Group develops differentiated financial and logistic solutions, with a synergic approach towards client's and consumer's needs.

The acquired experience through working hand in hand with the Venezuelan industrialists, has allowed us to become a corporate-value driven organization, creating a vision towards excellence and a commitment with the present and future of our country.

  • Mission

    We develop and execute solutions for the financial and logistic challenges of Venezuelan businesses and consumers, with a holistic vision towards value creation.

  • Vision

    To become leaders in the development of mass solutions and direct consumer services, optimizing the value chain.

  • Values

    Honesty with our consumers, clients and communities.

    Consistency in everything that we do and how we do it.

    Efficiency along the value and supply chains.

Corporate Pillars

  • Effective Communication

    Sending clear messages and ensuring understanding of the recipient.

  • Proactivity

    Working with drive and empathy.

  • Detail Sensibility

    Understanding the concept “form and substance”, and that they always go together.

  • Efficient Response Time

    Creating solutions and answers dynamically (less than 48 hours).


  • Glocal

    Thinking globally and executing locally, in everything that we do.


    Developing objectives and solutions that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bounded.